I disagree with most of what you said here. With the exception that Cuaron doesn't do TV in the traditional sense that TV shows are made. As you mentioned, all the episodes end on such notes that you want to watch the next one. Yes, he indulges in long takes (the very reason I couldn't stand Roma) but there's nothing wrong with that in TV, and we don't have to watch the characters go through twice as many situations to get a deeper sense or understanding of them.

Also, I Know This Much is True is an underseen masterpiece. Disclaimer is not, but it's prestige TV, one that doesn't try to hide that's what it's going for. Bad Monkey was extremely dull to me despite (or because of) being plot-driven with very little emphasis on characterization. The most interesting characters were underdeveloped while the main ones desperately tried to be likable for all audiences. The Penguin is disguised as prestige TV but really isn't one because it can't be. It's a good series, much better than The Batman it came from, but it doesn't always have the depth it aims for. You might be right about the trend that's emerging now and audiences wanting more of that, but if that's the case, I'll take all the series that feel like "prestige TV five years ago." That said, I admit Disclaimer has its flaws but it's such a well-made, captivating, and entertaining miniseries that I simply couldn't be mad about its shortcomings. I accept that others (including you) doesn't feel the same way about it, though.

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It seems like we agree on a lot of the basics of Disclaimer, but are coming to different conclusions about them, which is cool. It makes me feel more warmly toward Disclaimer, honestly. A bold experiment that provokes strong opinions on both sides is better for the soul than a boring show. Thanks for the comment.

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